Pumpernickel Bread

Servings: 8
  • Rye Flour: 3 cups
  • Whole Wheat Flour: 1 cup
  • Instant Yeast: 2 teaspoons
  • Water: 1 3/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons, at room temperature
  • Salt: 2 teaspoons

In a large bowl or stand mixer with dough hook attachment combine the flours, yeast and salt. Add water gradually until it forms into firm but not sticky mass.

Turn out onto an oiled surface to knead for about 10 minutes by hand (or let machine do this). When you reach a smooth ball of elastic dough that is no longer tacky on fingers, shape the loaf or rolls with floured hands into desired size and place in greased bowl.

Cover tightly and proof for 1-2 hours until doubled. Punch down then form again if needed to make sure it's completely puffed up (this is how I prefer my bread).

Preheat oven with cast iron skillet inside, upside down over lower rack so bottom of pan heats and becomes hot

this will give the top crust a darker color. This step isn’t necessary but it gives your loaf an interesting look.

Place bread in pre-heated (very HOT) cast iron skillet, cover tightly with lid or foil for 15 minutes to allow steam and moisture from the dough turn into a crispy chewy outer layer. This step is not necessary but does affect appearance of loaf.

Finally bake in preheated oven (with skillet still inside) until bread sounds hollow when tapped on underside, internal temperature at least 210 degrees Fahrenheit and crust turns a dark brown color. For me this is about an additional hour or so of cooking.

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